The HQ IEPs Resource Lead Project aims to increase knowledge and engagement of families as members of the IEP team to help develop high quality IEPs that will result in educational benefit. These are resources to help prepare families for the IEP Journey.
An article for parents who are new to having a child with a disability.

If you have recently learned that your child has a developmental delay or a disability (which may or may not be completely defined), this message may be for you. It is written from the personal perspective of a parent who has shared this experience and all that goes with it.

Special Education Timeline Resource
Calendarios para la educación especial en California (Spanish) | الجداول الزمنية للتربية الخاصة في كاليفورنيا (Arabic) | Lịch Trình Giáo Dục Đặc Biệt tại California (Vietnamese) | 加利福尼亚州特殊教育 时间表 (Mandarin) 
This course is a part of a series created by Progress Center covering the legal foundations of laws supporting students with disabilities.

This collection of self-paced courses covers the legal foundations of laws supporting students with disabilities. The collection includes courses that explain the difference between civil rights and funding laws, different laws impacting students with disabilities including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the relationship between state and federal laws, primary sources of the law in the United States, the impact of the role and levels of the adjudicative source of law, the history of IDEA, the major parts of IDEA, and more.

Cómo entender las diferencias entre Plan de Servicio Familiar Individualizado (IFSP) y Programa de Educación Individualizado (IEP) (Spanish) | استيعاب الفوارق بين خطة خدمة الأسرة الفردية )Individualized Family Service Plan, IFSP( وبرنامج التعليم الفردي )Individualized Education Program, IEP (Arabic) | Hiểu Sự Khác Biệt Giữa Kế Hoạch Dịch Vụ Gia Đình Cá Nhân (Individualized Family Service Plan, IFSP) và Chương Trình Giáo Dục Cá Nhân (Individualized Education Program, IEP) (Vietnamese) | 了解两种计划的区别 个性化家庭服务计划 (Individualized Family Service Plan, IFSP) 与个性化教育计划 (Individualized Education Program, IEP) (Mandarin)
Fact Sheet

Special Education Timeline Resource
Calendarios para la educación especial en California (Spanish) | الجداول الزمنية للتربية الخاصة في كاليفورنيا (Arabic) | Lịch Trình Giáo Dục Đặc Biệt tại California (Vietnamese) | 加利福尼亚州特殊教育 时间表 (Mandarin) 
IEP Planning Checklist for the BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER an IEP.
Lista de verificación de los padres para las reuniones del IEP (Spanish) | القائمة المرجعیة لأولیاء الأمور المخصصة IEP لاجتماعات (Arabic) | Danh Sách Ki˜m Tra Cu°c H˛p IEP Dành Cho Ph˝ Huynh (Vietnamese) | IEP 会议家长清单 (Mandarin) 
Student Presentation Template for Early Childhood/Elementary Students
Electronic braille file (Electronic Braille) | Screen reader accessible (Screen Reader) 
Side-by-side transition checklist for Part C, Part B, and families
Planificación para la transición: de la Parte C a la Parte B con la lista de verificación de transición de IDEA (Spanish) | التخطيط لعملية الانتقال: القائمة المرجعية لعملية الانتقال من خدمات الجزء C إلى خدمات الجزء B من قانون تعليم الأفراد ذوي الإعاقات ) )IDEA (Arabic) | Lập Kế Hoạch Chuyển Tiếp: Danh Sách Kiểm Tra Quá Trình Chuyển Tiếp Từ Phần C Sang Phần B Của IDEA (Vietnamese) | 过渡计划:IDEA C 部分至 B 部分过渡 检查表 (Mandarin) 
Cómo entender las diferencias entre Plan de Servicio Familiar Individualizado (IFSP) y Programa de Educación Individualizado (IEP) (Spanish) | استيعاب الفوارق بين خطة خدمة الأسرة الفردية )Individualized Family Service Plan, IFSP( وبرنامج التعليم الفردي )Individualized Education Program, IEP (Arabic) | Hiểu Sự Khác Biệt Giữa Kế Hoạch Dịch Vụ Gia Đình Cá Nhân (Individualized Family Service Plan, IFSP) và Chương Trình Giáo Dục Cá Nhân (Individualized Education Program, IEP) (Vietnamese) | 了解两种计划的区别 个性化家庭服务计划 (Individualized Family Service Plan, IFSP) 与个性化教育计划 (Individualized Education Program, IEP) (Mandarin)
Fact Sheet

An easy-to-use form to provide input about your student from a parent perspective.
Aprovechar mis fortalezas (Spanish) | تعزیز مواطن قوتي (Arabic) | Xây D˜ng D˜a Trên °i˛m M˝nh (Vietnamese) | 发挥我的优势 (Mandarin) 
This tip sheet created by Progress Center reviews the elements of the IEP and the IEP development process for Parents.
Generalidades del IEP (Spanish) 
Family Empowerment Centers (FECs) provide training and information to families of children and young adults with disabilities, between the ages of 3 and 22 in California. These nonprofit organizations offer specialized training, peer-to-peer support, information and referral services. They aim to assist parents to better understand their child’s educational and developmental needs, effectively communicate with service providers, serve as a resource for the IEP process, participate in school reform and improvement activities, promote alternative dispute resolution, and support positive relationships between parents and professionals.