Universal Supports

Welcome to Universal Supports! Explore tools, resources, professional development, and services designed or curated by the High-Quality IEPs Project. These supports build on the IEP Journey for Educators, Families and Students. All supports are available at no cost to all districts, charter schools, COEs, and SELPAs across California.


Download this customizable Google Slides template to train LEA staff on the special education assessment process. This resource covers conducting comprehensive evaluations using the RIOT protocol and an assessment checklist. It also provides guidance on reviewing evaluation results in initial and triennial IEP meetings, including explaining outcomes, determining eligibility, addressing multiple eligibility areas, and managing disagreements.
Download this customizable Google Slides template to train LEA staff on meaningful participation in the IEP process. Learn strategies to engage all IEP team members—including educators, parents, and students—in collaborative decision-making, ensuring the IEP reflects student needs, strengths, and goals for success.
Download this customizable Google Slides template to train LEA staff on developing Student Profiles and Present Levels in IEPs. This resource guides teams in gathering comprehensive, measurable data on a student's strengths, interests, and needs to create a solid foundation for goal setting and supports. Learn how to document disability impact, special factors, and present performance to ensure an individualized and growth-focused IEP.
Download this customizable Google Slides template to train LEA staff on identifying and documenting student needs in an IEP. Learn how to use assessment data, present levels of performance, and input from the IEP team—including parents and students—to determine needs related to the student’s disability. This resource also covers addressing disagreements, ensuring parent involvement, and documenting decisions to create a well-supported, individualized plan.
Download this customizable Google Slides template to train LEA staff on developing measurable IEP goals. This resource covers key elements such as identifying goal areas, establishing baselines, aligning goals with state standards, ensuring linguistic appropriateness, writing measurable annual goals, and tracking progress to support student success.
Download this customizable Google Slides template to train LEA staff on the Supports and Services section of the IEP. Learn how to identify and document accommodations, modifications, assessment participation, and special education and related services to help students access grade-level content, engage in extracurricular activities, and interact with peers while making progress toward their goals.
Download this customizable Google Slides template to train LEA staff covering Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) for equitable access to instruction, the IDEA definition of an IEP, procedural safeguards, and key legal requirements to ensure all students receive appropriate supports and services.

CALTAN provides evidence-based resources to California School Districts as they improve upon the systems that support positive outcomes for students in California receiving Special Education services. On this website you will find evidence-based special education resources to address seven key focus areas, Technical Assistance providers, and information about California’s Compliance and Improvement Monitoring (CIM). 

With this tool, County Offices of Education, districts, charter schools, Special Education Local Plan Areas, and other educational partners in California, can find information about state-funded initiatives, resources, and contact information for System of Support partners, to employ best practices, facilitate improvement plans, and improve student outcomes.