HQ IEP Project
The purpose of the HQ IEPs Resource Lead Project is to work collaboratively within the Statewide System of Support to increase the knowledge and engagement of families and students and build the capacity of LEAs, COEs, and SELPAs so that IEP design and development will result in educational benefit. Additionally, we provide technical assistance to LEAs identified by the California Department of Education as needing targeted assistance.
Theory of Action
The HQ IEPs Resource Lead Project intends to add to the California System of Support with the use of High Leverage Practices (HLPs) to build capacity with SELPAs, COEs, and LEAs. Our theory of action is grounded in the high-leverage practices in special education. The HQ IEP Resource Lead Project will focus on the first three High Leverage Practices around Collaboration. Effective special educators collaborate with a range of professionals and families. Effective collaboration allows for a range of expertise, knowledge, and perspectives. Implementing high-leverage practices will lead to improved IEP development, and result in IEPs designed to provide educational benefit.

The HQ IEP project is part of the Statewide System of Support (SSOS) within California. As one of the Special Education Content leads, this project aims to provide resources and collaborate with families, students, and educators throughout the state.