The HQ IEPs Resource Lead Project aims to increase knowledge and engagement of general education teachers as members of the IEP team to help develop high quality IEPs that will result in educational benefit. These are resources to help general education teachers prepare for the IEP Journey.

Understand the three prongs of eligibility for special education identifying whether a student qualifies for specialized support under IDEA. These criteria ensure that only those who genuinely need special education services receive them, based on the presence of a disability, its impact on educational performance, and the necessity for specially designed instruction.
Paper with bulleted list Fact Sheet
Examine the five key components of educational benefit in the IEP process to ensure that each student's individualized plan effectively supports their learning and growth.
Paper with bulleted list Fact Sheet
Understand the importance of both procedural and substantive requirements in the IEP process to be able to support the provision of a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).
Paper with bulleted list Fact Sheet

Thorough preparation for an IEP meeting can help ensure a smooth and efficient process. It's important to review both the procedural requirements mandated by IDEA and strategies that foster a collaborative environment, including preparation of the meeting space, engagement with parents, and effective team collaboration.
Paper with bulleted list Fact Sheet
An easy-to-use tool for educators to use at the beginning of the year to know who their student is as a learner to support them best.
Icon of wrench and screwdriver crossed Tools
The general education teacher is a valuable and required member of the IEP team. Use this checklist to start organizing before, during and after an IEP team meeting.
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